Proto-Yucatecan database
Dear users, you are in the Yucatec section of the Mayan Comparative Database Project. It is an ongoing project and all results are very preliminar. Its main goal is to systematize available knowledge about the etymology of the Yucatecan languages within the framework of step-by-step reconstruction. Below you can find a list of sources used in this work. More details are forthcoming. The author expresses her deep gratitude to Søren Wichmann, who allowed me to use the materials of his extensive dictionary, which continues to be unpublished. The author is grateful to everyone who helped this work to come true with silent support and a word of advice. Listing the names is the least that can be done: Margarita Alekseeva, Sophia Anja Paritza, Yuri Berezkin, Galina Borisova, Albert Davletshin, Anna Dybo, Ilya Khait, Oleg Mudrak, Sergei Nikolaev, Aleksandra Sheimovich, Anna Vanichkina, Sergei Vepretski, Søren Wichmann and Mark Zimin. The study is prepared within the "Laboratory of unnecessary things" project with the grant support of Fund "Modern Science Education". I would greatly appreciate if you report to me (my e-mail) any mistakes, misprints and mishaps you come across while browsing through the entries.
The Yucatec languages are a branch of the Maya language family, consisting of four languages -Yucatec Maya, Lacandon, Itza, and Mopan and their dialects. While Yucatec Maya has one of the longest traditions of study and description, other languages came to the attention of researchers only in the 19th century. In the framework of this project, the author does not seek to show the entire history of the fixation of a particular word in various dictionaries. Therefore, in particular, the data of the classical (colonial) Yucatec language is used sporadically, only in the absence of fixation in the modern Yucatec language. For colonial data, the author recommends reference to such works as Swadesh et al. 1970, Barrera Vasquez et al. 1980, Smailus 1989, Bolles 2001, Bricker 2018, etc. Colonial Yucatec material may be added more systematically in the future. It should also be noted that the present version, the data of the northern (Naja) and southern (Lacanja) Lacandon (which significantly differ phonetically) is summarized in one field, and, at this stage, only the data of the southern Lacandon is given due to the lack of lexical sources on the northern. Perhaps in the future this shortcoming will also be eliminated.
The most significant sources on the reconstruction of the Proto-Yucatec language, which the user can refer to to clarify the information given in this dictionary, are: Fisher 1973, Romero Castillo 1977, Kaufman 1991 (2020), Hofling 2018, Hofling 2018, Sobrino Gómez 2018, etc. See also works presenting Yucatec material against a general Mayan background: Dienhart 1989, Kaufman&Justeson 2003, Oxlajuuj Keej Maya' Ajtz'iib' 2003 and Wichmann&Brown n.d.
Evgeniya Korovina, Institute of Linguistics RAS, Moscow
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List of sources (default sources are marked with an asterisk)
General works
[Dienhart 1989] Dienhart, John. 1989. The Mayan languages: a comparative vocabulary. Odense, Denmark: Odense University Press.
*[Fisher 1973] Fisher, William Morrison. 1973. Towards the reconstruction of Proto-Yucatec. PhD, Chicago, Ill: University of Chicago.
[Hofling 2017] Hofling, C. A. 2017. Comparative Maya (Yucatec, Lacandon, Itzaj, and Mopan Maya). In The Mayan languages (pp. 685-759). Routledge.
[Hofling 2018] Hofling, C. A. 2018. Cambio diacrónico en la familia lingüística yucatecana. Cuadernos de Lingüística de El Colegio de México, 5(1), 6-46.
[Kaufman 1991 (2020)] Kaufman, Terrence. 1991. Notes on the structure of Yukateko and other Yukatekan languages. Unpublished manuscript
*[Kaufman&Justeson 2003] Kaufman, Terrence, with John S. Justeson. 2003. A preliminary Mayan etymological dictionary.
[Oxlajuuj Keej Maya’ Ajtz’iib’ 2003] Oxlajuuj Keej Maya’ Ajtz’iib’. 2003. Vocabulario comparativo. Guatemala: Cholsamaj.
*[Romero Castillo 1977] Romero Castillo, Moises. 1977. La unidad lingüística del Maya peninsular. In Anales del Museo Nacional de México (No. 1, pp. 83-108). Museo Nacional de México.
[Sobrino Gómez 2018] Sobrino Gómez, Carlos Martín. 2018. El sistema fonológico protoyucatecano: reconstrucción y desarrollo (Doctoral dissertation).
*[Wichmann&Brown n.d.] Wichmann, Søren, and Cecil H. Brown. n.d. Panchronic Mayan Dictionary. Electronic database.
Yucatec Maya
*[ALMY 2003] Bastarrachea, J.,Canto, J. 2003. Diccionario Maya Popular. Maya- Español. Español-Maya Mérida, Yuc; Compañía Editorial de la Península, S.A. de C.V.
[Bastarrachea et al. 1992] Bastarrachea Manzano, Juan Ramón, Ermilo Yah Pech, and Fidencio Briceño Chel. 1992. Diccionario básico español-maya-español.
[Bricker et al. 1998] Bricker, Victoria Reifler and Po'ot Yah, Eleuterio and Dzul de Po'ot, Ofelia. 1998. A dictionary of the Maya language: as spoken in Hocabá, Yucatán. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. xx+410pp.
[Briceño Chel 2006] Briceño Chel, Fidencio. 2006. Los verbos del maya yucateco actual: investigación, clasificación y sistemas conjugacionales. México [D.F.]: Instituto Nacional de Lenguas Indígenas
[Yoshida 2009] Yoshida, Shigeto 2009 Diccionario de la conjugación de verbos en el maya yucateco
Colonial Yucatec
[Acuña 1993] Acuña, René. 1993. Bocabulario de maya than: Codex Vindobonensis NS 3833: facsimil y transcripción critica anotada. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas.
[Barrera Vásquez et al. 1980] Barrera Vásquez, Alfredo, Juan Ramón Bastarrachea Manzano, and William Brito Sansores. 1980. Diccionario maya Cordemex: maya-español, español-maya. Mérida, Yucatán, México: Ediciones Cordemex.
[Bolles 2001] Bolles 2001 Combined Dictionary–Concordance of the Yucatecan Mayan Language
[Bricker 2018] Bricker, Victoria. 2018. A Historical Grammar of the Maya Language of Yucatan: 1557-2000. University of Utah Press.
*[Motul 1577] Arzápalo Marín, R. 1995. Calepino de Motul. Diccionarios maya-español III. Universidad nacional autónoma de México.
[Pio Perez 1877] Pío Pérez, Juan. 1877. Diccionario de la lengua maya.
[Smailus 1989] Smailus, Ortwin. 1989. Gramática del Maya Yucateco Colonial. Hamburg: Wayasbah. 198pp.
[Swadesh et al. 1970] Mauricio Swadesh and Álvarez, Cristina and Juan R. Bastarrachea. 1970. Diccionario de elementos del maya yucateco colonial. México: UNAM. 136pp.
[Baer&Baer 2018] Baer, Phillip y Mary Baer 2018 Diccionario maya lacandón. México: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano.
[Bruce 1968] Roberto D. Bruce. 1968. Gramática del Lacandón. Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. 151pp.
[Çanger 1969] Çanger, Una. 1969. Vocabulary of San Quintín. (unpublished manuscript).
[Cook 2016] Cook, Suzanne. 2016. The forest of the Lacandon Maya: An ethnobotanical guide. Springer.
*[Hofling 2014] Hofling, Charles A. 2014. Lacandon Maya-Spanish-English Dictionary. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. 514pp.
[Pérez 2003] Patrick Pérez. 2003. Lexique Lacandon.
[ALMG 2001] Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala (ALMG). 2001. Jiilt'an Maya Itza. Vocabulario Itza. Guatemala: Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala / Dirección Lingüística y Cultural / Programa de Estudios Lingüísticos.
*[Hofling&Tesucún 1997] Hofling, Charles Andrew and Félix Fernando Tesucún. 1997. Itzaj Maya-Spanish-English dictionary. Diccionario Maya Itzaj-Espanol-Ingles Salt Lake City: Utah Univ. of Utah Press.
[Schumann 1971] Schumann Gálvez, Otto. 1971. Descripción estructural del Maya Itzá del Petén, Guatemala C.A.: con un diccionario itzá-español, español-itzá. (Serie cuadernos / Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Estudios Mayas, 6.) México: UNAM, Coordinación de Humanidades. 134pp.
[ALMG 2003] Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala (ALMG). 2003. Much’t’an Mopan. Vocabulario Mopan. Guatemala: Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala / Dirección Lingüística y Cultural / Programa de Estudios Lingüísticos
*[Hofling 2011] Hofling, Charles Andrew, and Narcizo Asij. 2011. Mopan Maya - Spanish - English: dictionary = Maya Mopan - Español - Ingles. Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah Press.
[Schumann 1997] Schumann Gálvez, Otto. 1997. Introducción al Maya Mopán. México: UNAM. 290pp.
[Ulrich&Ulrich 1976] Ulrich, Rosemary and Ulrich, Matthew. 1976. Diccionario bilingüe: Maya Mopán y Español, Español y Maya Mopán. Guatemala: ILV. 398pp.